About Us

Fees: Half-day is $65, full-day is $120 Annually (Free & Reduced Rates Available)


Mathes Learning Center, 2032 N Kansas Ave

Transportation: State Pre-K and Early Childhood Special Education students will be bussed with no fee. Community students can participate in the Pay-to-Ride transportation program.  

Universal Program

All classes will have the same makeup of State Pre-K students, Early Childhood Special Education students, and community students.

Early Childhood Special Education Preschool
Areas of child development screened include: speech & language, fine & gross motor, vision & hearing, and cognitive skills. If results of the screening indicate potential delays in one or more areas of development, your child may be referred to a 4-6 week evaluation for services. Children must live in the Seaman School District, and they must be at least 3 years of age to be screened, but they cannot be old enough for kindergarten.

State Pre-K
Students must be three-years-old by August 31, live in the Seaman District (please bring proof of residency), and meet one of the following eligibility criteria:

Screened and has a potential developmental delay
Has a primary language other than English
Has a parent who lacks a high school diploma or GED
Has one parent age 19 or younger at birth
Lives in a single parent family
Has a referral from Kansas Department for Children & Families
Has parents who are migratory agricultural workers
Qualifies for free school lunch program
Community Students
Children who will be integrated with students from both preschool programs.


5 days/week (exception of 1st Friday of the month)

AM Class: 8:30 am – 11:25 am
PM Class: 12:50 pm – 3:45 pm


First Friday of each month, screenings begin August 12 at Mathes Early Learning Center


All parents interested in preschool will need to pre-register